Saturday, August 23, 2008

Help with Training

Hi ladies,
Savanna is 8 months old now... and we've quasi been trying to teach her patience when it comes to waiting to be nursed. We don't know what to do at this point.

Here's the situation and how we've been dealing with it.

In the mornings it's most prevalent (but pretty much every time it's time to nurse) Savanna will start to whine, kick, and even cry just as I lay her down on my lap. I've not yet lifted my shirt yet... so we tell her in a stern voice, "no, you need to be patient". The crying gets worse... then come the crocodile tears. Meanwhile I don't life my shirt and I just wait and keep telling her "no, Savanna" and "you need to be patient". Sometimes I've tried tapping her lips and telling her no that way... and sometimes I've echoed her whine and said that's a no... sort of like showing her the bad behavior. In all cases she doesn't really stop. Sometimes there's a brief (and I mean brief) lull and I immediately praise her with a "that's it! Good job!" And then I reach for my shirt hem and we're back to square one all over again. I've also just held her and consoled her while she's crying really hard, but she really does seem to be throwing a tantrum by pushing me away, throwing her head back, kicking her legs.

So far I think the longest I've let this go on for 15 mins, then I give in, but does anyone have any thoughts on this situation. I'm afraid that I'm going to teach her that she can "win" if I give in...but she has to eat, right?! At 8 months, I feel like she should have gotten this by she just a stubborn little bugger :) What would you do if you were me?


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I (Valerie) am going out of town tomorrow and won't be back on the Internet until Monday--possibly Sunday. If you request to be an author while I am gone, don't fret. I will add you as soon as I get back. I am glad to have you all here!

Friday, August 15, 2008

CIO Bootcamp

So, I thought I would be the first to post a topic on this board.  I am more in need of encouragement than anything else.  After taking to my doctor on Tuesday, I am now convinced that it is time to let my little man CIO in the middle of the night(he still wakes up b/w 1-3am every night).  My doctor assured me that a full night's sleep is very important for his development and that it should only take three to four nights for the little guy to get the hang of it.  I had been hesitant to let him CIO in the past b/c he has a protein intolerance and he had a really rough start to life the first couple months, but the doctor convinced me that he is old enough (4  months) and that it is so much better for him in the long run to learn to sleep through the night at a young age. Please wish me luck - I know it will be a long night! = Reese

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Welcome Info

Welcome! If you want to be an author for this blog, you will need to post your email address (in the form of a comment) so I can invite you to be an author. I will erase emails as soon as I get them so the masses don't have access.

You don't have to be an author in order to contribute. You can post a comment on any post just as you do on any other blog.

Some background for this blog...this blog was started for moms who were members of a community called MayasMom in the Babywise group. Mayasmom is shutting down, so this is one of our answers to that. All Babywise moms (toddlerwise, prechoolwise, childwise, etc.) are welcome. We don't really want to debate Babywise, though. If you have negative things to say, please go say them somewhere else. We are trying to help each other here.