Friday, August 15, 2008

CIO Bootcamp

So, I thought I would be the first to post a topic on this board.  I am more in need of encouragement than anything else.  After taking to my doctor on Tuesday, I am now convinced that it is time to let my little man CIO in the middle of the night(he still wakes up b/w 1-3am every night).  My doctor assured me that a full night's sleep is very important for his development and that it should only take three to four nights for the little guy to get the hang of it.  I had been hesitant to let him CIO in the past b/c he has a protein intolerance and he had a really rough start to life the first couple months, but the doctor convinced me that he is old enough (4  months) and that it is so much better for him in the long run to learn to sleep through the night at a young age. Please wish me luck - I know it will be a long night!


Valerie Plowman said...

good luck!

becca & nathan said...

how did it go last night? hope that it went well, and you all will be getting sleep soon!

Valerie Plowman said...

Nelly said...Hi, would you please add my email address so that i can ask questions. I'm ndw from maya's mom.

Raegan said...

You have a rare doctor! It's nice to see one that supports CIO.

kirstenebanks said...

You get so used to it trust me. It ends up being no big deal after a while. just know it will be good for his health and maybe that will help get you through.

The Grovers said...

It sounds like we could have the same doctor and it is very reassuring to have their support! One piece of advice I appreciated from the MM group was to be sure to watch the clock. Time seems to go by much slower when you are hearing the crying. We would set a time goal for ourselves and then if she was still crying at that point, we would go in. Much of the time, she would have already stopped. Good luck!

Valerie Plowman said...

Christina said...

Can I please be added? I am BCRLee from MM.

Anne said...

Thanks for the support everyone. I was so shocked at how well everything went. Friday night was our first night to let him CIO, and I was expecting the worst, but after 10 minutes of crying he went back to sleep until 6:45am. Then last night, he woke up and fussed for less than 5 minutes and then slept until his normal waketime of 7:00am. I really wish I had tried this sooner!

Abby Mazanec said...

Thanks for adding me as an author, Val! I'm abbymazanec from MM.

jahanschen said...

I'm glad it worked! Good for you - it's so important that they learn self-soothing. So many people don't let their babies learn this on their own. It'll pay off (it probably already is, sleep is good)!

Laura Bailey said...
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Laura Bailey said...

I'm starting the same thing with my 6 month old daughter tonight. She always slept through the night from about 10 weeks on. Around 4.5 months she started waking up between 2:30 and 3:30 and wanting to nurse. I thought it as a growth spurt so I went with it. She's now 6 months old and still at it. Tonight is the night it's ending! Any thoughts or encouragement is welcomed!